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How to Hire a Software Developer in 2025: What Do You Need to Know?

How to Hire a Software Developer in 2025: What Do You Need to Know?
How to Hire a Software Developer in 2025: What Do You Need to Know?
Last updates:
September 13, 2024

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Table of contents:

  • Hiring Trends and IT Market Changes
  • Successful Strategies for Finding and Retaining Developers
  • Where to Look for Developers in 2025?
  • Software Developer Salary Guide
  • 5 Tips on How to Look for the Best Developers in 2025?
  • Mistakes Which You Should Avoid When Hire Developers
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

Did you know how to hire a software developer in 2025? The answer is straightforward. When hiring a developer, it is always useful to do market research and understand the global market situation. According to the latest information from Statista, the anticipated global count of developers is about to hit 28.7 million individuals in 2025, marking a rise of 3.2 million compared to the figure recorded in 2020. As per the report, a significant portion of this expansion is foreseen in China, with a growth rate ranging from 6 to 8%.

Thus, we can see that the number of developers worldwide is growing. But it doesn't mean that hiring developers becomes an easier job. On the contrary, the number of businesses that need developers also proportionally grows, leading to 5 vacant job roles for each developer. Furthermore, it's projected that the demand for software developers will increase by 22% by 2029. That's a huge demand for developers, meaning that you have to develop new, fresh ideas and strategies for hiring and retaining developers. Let's start!

Hiring Trends and IT Market Changes: Unbench Analytics

Despite global challenges in the IT services market, the market for marketplaces that facilitate the hiring of technical specialists is growing. The market is expanding faster than the top three companies and is genuinely experiencing growth. At its core, marketplaces specializing in long-term hiring are increasing almost four times faster than those specializing in part-time freelance roles.

Marketplaces focusing on technical specialties (Software Development and Design) perform better than diversified marketplaces (those covering other segments such as Sales and Marketing, HR, Finance, Legal, etc.).

Top industries that hiring platforms work with

Unbench, by focusing on this niche, taps into a rich vein of opportunity within the tech industry, emphasizing the high value and demand for specialized technical skills. As digital transformation accelerates across sectors, Unbench's strategic position in this lucrative segment allows it to capture significant market share, making it a key player in connecting businesses with top-tier tech talent.

Successful Strategies for Finding and Retaining Developers

Finding and securing software developers involves a multifaceted approach, including the challenging tasks of:

  • attracting, 
  • hiring,
  • and retaining top talent.

Each phase demands an innovative and creative approach to effectively engaging with candidates, making successful hires, and maintaining a thriving team environment conducive to long-term retention.


Where to Look for Developers in 2025?

No matter whether you're looking for how to create a big data developer team or how to assemble a software developer team, in the quest for talented developers, having access to the right platforms can make all the difference.

Fortunately, the digital age has provided an array of websites and online platforms tailored to connect businesses with skilled professionals in the tech industry.

Whether you're searching for full-time employees, freelancers, or specialized talent, these websites offer valuable resources to streamline recruitment and find the perfect fit for your team. Let's explore some of the top websites for looking for developers:

Of course, plenty of other websites can assist you, but we've highlighted those that have consistently aided us, including creating big data developers teams.


Software Developer Salary Guide

Software developer compensation may exhibit substantial disparities across various countries, influenced by the respective economic climates, living costs, and the level of demand for proficient tech talent. Of course, factors like level of expertise (Junior, Middle, or Senior positions) also influence compensation. Let's take a look at developers' average rate in Latin America, India, U.K., and the US.

Beginning with the United States, junior developers here typically command around $36 per hour, while mid-level developers earn approximately $46 per hour. On the other hand, senior developers tend to earn significantly higher rates, averaging around $80 per hour nationwide. However, in tech hubs like California, particularly in cities like Silicon Valley, the hourly rates for senior developers can soar to as high as $150, reflecting the region's heightened demand and cost of living.

In the United Kingdom, junior developers earn around $35 per hour, while mid-level developers command approximately $48 per hour. Senior developers generally make higher rates, averaging around $58 per hour. These figures reflect the competitive nature of the tech industry in the UK and the corresponding compensation for developers with varying levels of expertise.

Across Latin America, junior developers generally get around $20 per hour, while mid-level developers cost approximately $30 per hour. With their advanced expertise, senior developers tend to make higher rates, averaging around $40 per hour.

To conclude our overview of India, entry-level developers here generally cost around $7 per hour, while those with intermediate skills cost approximately $13 per hour. Senior developers typically earn higher rates, averaging around $25 per hour.

Global software development compensation overview

5 Tips on How to Look for the Best Developers in 2025?

Okay, Google, how to hire a software engineer in 2025? Although locating the ideal developer may prove difficult, you can simplify this task and ensure you recruit the best fit for your team by adhering to these five strategic steps.

Tip №1: Exploring White-Label Partnerships

White-label partnerships can efficiently expand your team's capabilities without the overhead of direct hiring. This strategy accelerates project timelines and provides a flexible, scalable solution to your development needs.

Tip №2: Remote Work Possibilities

In 2025, remote work remains a crucial factor for many developers. Embrace this trend by offering flexible work arrangements and clearly outlining your remote work policies during the hiring process.

Tip №3: Supplying Developers with All the Necessary Equipment

Setting your developers up for success means providing them with the right tools from day one. This step is essential for a smooth developer onboarding process and demonstrates your commitment to supporting your team.

Tip №4: Leverage AI-Powered Tools

In 2025, AI-powered recruitment tools can streamline hiring by automating resume screening, matching candidate skills to job requirements, and predicting candidate success. Use these tools to save time and ensure you get all the best talent.

Tip №5: Focus on Continuous Learning and Development

Developers are constantly evolving, so highlighting your commitment to continuous learning, such as access to online courses, certifications, and internal workshops, can make your company more attractive. This approach also helps retain talent by supporting their career growth.

Mistakes Which You Should Avoid When Hire Developers

When recruiting developers, avoiding frequent errors that might compromise your team's effectiveness is crucial.

Searching for the "Perfect" Candidate

Many companies fall into the trap of looking for an ideal developer who perfectly matches a long list of skills, qualifications, and years of experience. This method frequently prolongs the recruitment period and results in the loss of skilled candidates who could excel if provided with an appropriate developer onboarding process. Instead, focus on adaptability, learning ability, and how well the candidate can grow within your team dynamics — contributing to developer career growth.

Overlooking Culture Fit and Motivation

Hiring is not just about filling software development roles with technically skilled individuals; it involves identifying individuals who resonate with your organization's ethos and principles. A developer who doesn't fit well with your team's working style can disrupt workflows and affect morale. Assessing their skills, motivation, work ethic, and how they would integrate with your existing team is vital.

Prioritizing Years of Experience & Relying Solely on References

Prioritizing experience over skills can lead to hiring developers who lack adaptability or innovative thinking. Similarly, relying solely on references can be misleading, as they often reflect past performance rather than current capabilities. Instead, they use practical assessments, coding tests, and in-depth discussions about their developer career growth aspirations to better gauge their potential. Adopting this strategy will assist in assembling a workforce designed for enduring achievement, etc.


All in all, remember that prices and developers' skills vary across regions. For instance, developers from the USA often excel in innovation, particularly in hubs like Silicon Valley, where cutting-edge technologies thrive. Besides, cultural familiarity with US companies eliminates communication or cultural barriers, ensuring smooth collaboration. However, the high cost associated with US developers, stemming from their substantial salaries and benefits, may pose a challenge.

On the other hand, Latin America presents an attractive option for US companies due to its nearshore availability, offering shorter time zone differences and cultural similarities. Nevertheless, Latin America may have a smaller talent pool than regions like India or Eastern Europe, making it potentially challenging to find highly specialized developers. In this case, one of the most excellent options is working with outsourcing teams, which offer the advantage of ensuring a high level of expertise within your team and providing reassurance amid the decision-making process.

We've also provided you with successful strategies to attract and retain top talent. Unbench is a B2B platform that connects IT companies into a community capable of mitigating risks and managing market shifts by exchanging human resources, expertise, and project opportunities. Try our platform to find outsourced projects or developers for all your needs!

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